Douglas Tartan

Official name: Douglas Modern

Motto: Jamais Arriere (Never behind)

Setps: Agnew, Bell, Blackadder, Blackett, Blacklock, Blackstock, Blackwood, Blaylock, Breckinridge, Brown, Brownlee, Carruthers, Cavan, Cavers, Clendenon, Crockett, Dalyell, Dalzell, Deal, Dick, Dickson, Dickey, Drysdale, Forest, Forrester, Foster, Galbraith, Gilpatric, Glendinning, Glenn, Hamilton, Harkness, Home, Hume, Inglis, Kilgore, Kilpatrick, Kirkland, Kirkpatrick, Lockerby, Lockery, Lockhart, MacGuffey, MacGuffock, McKittrick, Maxwell, Moffat, Morton, Pringle, Rowell, Rowle, Rule, Rutherford, Sandilands, Sandlin, Simms, Soule, Sterrett, Syme, Symington, Troup, Turnbull, Weir, Young

Available in all Sport Kilt kilts and accessories except the Hiking and Comfy Kilt.